OVERWHELMED – Retreat 2021 Prayer Guide

“When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who watch over my way.” Psalm 142:3


Monday, January 11th – Pray for Joanne as she prepares all last-minute details for Retreat. Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide her and that she would feel confident as she brings the Lord’s life-giving messages from His Word in the scriptures.  Pray that her spirit would be calm and that the enemy would not have any opportunity whatsoever to interfere with her peace or any aspect of Retreat.  Pray for those who will be attending.  Please pray that all the plans they have made for their children, their loved ones, their jobs, and any other arrangements necessary would come together easily.  Pray that each woman would be, even now, praying with great expectations of what God has in store for them individually and for all of us collectively.


Tuesday, January 12th ` Pray for the Worship Team and all of the technical aspects that are necessary for the team to seamlessly lead the worship that is so important to all of WIWM’s events. May our worship and praise draw us all closer to our Lord and to one another, as we assemble with one purpose and one goal: To draw nearer to God and have Him draw nearer to us.  Pray for first time attendees to WIW Retreat, who do not know what to expect, that they would be blessed beyond measure and, that their hearts would be prepared to receive what the Lord wants to give.  Pray that nothing would prevent them or any of the attendees to have to cancel their plan to be at Retreat!


Wednesday, January 13th – Let this be a day of PRAISE!  Praise God for all that He has already done for the ministry in 2020, despite the mammoth disruptions that our world has experienced.  Give thanks and worship Him for Crystal Beach Community Church, as they opened their arms and hearts to provide a venue for our first Retreat that does not involve overnight stays. Give thanks for Live Oaks Bible Church, where again the WIW ministry has been so beautifully accommodated.  Thank the Lord for the favor our precious ministry has found and the grace God has so abundantly poured out in ways too numerous to list here.  Raise your hands in gratitude for provision and together let us pray and come against the wiles of the enemy as he attempts to disrupt and discourage any and all parts of the program or individuals of Retreat. Pray for wisdom and discernment and let us pray as one, in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus!


Thursday, January 14th – Pray for all who are attending to come with “holy anticipation” and that they be excited as they open their hearts and minds to the experience that the Lord has already laid out for each of us individually and as a group. Pray for those who might be new in their walk with the Lord, that they would not feel insecure but that they would feel the love of God and the love of their sisters in WIWM.  Pray with fervor that even in the short time that we are at Retreat, their faith would grow exponentially through their experience.


Friday, January 15th – Pray for travel mercies and safety for all.  Pray for those at home who will be caring for the families in their absence, that the Lord would cover them under His wing and that all would be in perfect order upon their return home both days.  Pray that the Lord would be pleased with each of us as we commit to setting aside this special time of Retreat for His glory and honor alone!  Pray for the Leaders of WIWM that they would have peace and that each would be able to fulfill their responsibilities as unto the Lord and that the Lord would be pleased with their efforts and be glorified.  Pray for registration and for each and every part of Retreat would go smoothly, according to God’s plan and that we all would feel His presence as we seek Him and find Him.


“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13