Childcare/Homeschool - Wednesday AM only
Childcare is available each week for women who are bringing a child/children to the study. Drop off time for children is at 9:20 a.m. so that the study can begin promptly at 9:30 a.m.
Newborns can stay with mom, but we encourage all moms with children older than a few months to utilize our childcare area. Infants through 4 yrs. old are cared for by loving workers who provide games, activities & snack time. Our childcare workers have a heart to share God's love with your child in a fun, safe and sanitized environment.
Pam has provided 20 years of dedicated childcare service to Women in the Word Ministry as well as several churches in the community. Pam’s passion for nurturing and supporting children led her to become an assistant Director at Stars & Comets 14 years ago. Additionally, she is a valued part-time staff member at Harborside Church, continuing to pour into young lives, sharing God’s love for each and every life.

Amanda has lived in Florida her whole life and has been working with children most of her adult life including working at PHUMC for the past 13 years with the after school kids. Amanda enjoys going to the beach, hanging out with her family and volunteering at her church.
Childcare Fees:
There is no charge for childcare. Women who feel led can donate to childcare throughout the session. All “childcare financial gifts” are to be given directly to the ministry treasurer.
This enables moms of small children to be able to attend bible study without the burden of finding physical care for their child/children as well as the financial burden that accompanies that.
An independent study area is provided each week for homeschooled children in grades 3 and up.
The student is expected to come with enough independent work/activities to keep them occupied for the two hours that their mom will be attending bible study.
We ask that they remain quiet and do not distract the small groups or large group gatherings.
Participation in Praise and Worship or listening to the large group teaching will be decided on an individual basis and determined by the mom and the bible teacher.